
The Secretary will:

  1. Review the National Guidelines for the Secretary as described in the Leaders’ Manual.

  2. Review and adhere to the Secretariat By Laws

  3. Review and adhere to the Secretariat Meeting Ground Rules

  4. Take the minutes of the Secretariat meetings.

    1. In the event of the absence of the Secretary, the duties will be temporarily assumed by the Assistant Lay Director.

    2. Forward the minutes to the voting members of the Secretariat for review within seven (7) days.

    3. The Voting Members will review, sending corrections to the Secretary and a copy to all Voting Members within three (3) days.

    4. The minutes will be formally approved by the Secretariat at the next Secretariat meeting.

  5. Maintain updated Secretariat Roster.

  6. Maintain historic Archives. (File all minutes in a Word doc, etc)

  7. Work with the other Secretariat positions to ensure the success of the weekend and the Movement.

  8. Provide articles for the Cursillo Update as needed.

  9. Attend and participate in all Secretariat meetings and activities of the Movement which includes:

    1. Thursday night registration for weekends

    2. Weekend Clausura and potlucks

    3. Commissioning of Teams at their Day of Away

    4. Ultreyas

    5. School of Leaders

    6. Other Secretariat activities